
Learn more about the dangers of glyphosate-based herbicides in forestry.
Grace Manitowabi TEK Elder Cofounder

Grace Manitowabi, TEK Elders cofounder from Sagamok

TEK Elders are raising awareness about the impact of glyphosate on their traditional medicines.

TEK Elder Ray Owl

From thriving ecosystems to barren land... TEK Elder Ray Owl witnessed the devastating impact of aerial spraying firsthand. 'There was nothing. Couldn't see a rabbit, any kind of life.' It's time to listen to the wisdom of our Elders and protect our forests.

Dewayne "Lee" Johnson.

"Hopefully, you will be a part of the push to keep pesticides out of our lives." - Dewayne "Lee" Johnson

August 15, 2024

TEK Elders Launch Billboard Campaign to End Aerial Spraying in Forestry

A Ceremony was conducted on August 14, 2024 in Sagamok by TEK Elders to launch an education campaign on the harms of glyphosate use in forestry. Twenty billboards that say

“Glyphosate Kills All” featuring a moose illustration will be erected throughout the Robinson Huron Treaty lands over the next weeks. Elder Raymond Owl, co-founder of the TEK Elders, along with TEK Elders members Grace Manitowabi (Sagamok), Joe Jones (Garden River), Evelyn Roy (M’Chigeeng), Martha Toulouse (Sagamok), Mary Wemigwans (Nimkii Azhibikoong), and spokesperson Caroline Recollet (Whanapitae) were joined in Sagamok by Sam Manitowabi from the Robinson Huron Waawiindimaagewin (RHW), Nelson Toulouse, Councillor for Sagamok, and artist Christ Belcourt.

The TEK Elders Group began a campaign to end glyphosate-based herbicide use in Anishinaabek forests along the north shore of Lake Ontario over a decade ago. Elders observed dramatic changes in moose, deer, muskrat, and other forest life as Jack pine plantations began replacing mixed forests with the help of glyphosate-based herbicide use. “Ontario has an obligation to respect our Treaty rights”, said Elder Caroline Recollet. “When forests are converted to plantations, all life is affected – we share these lands with all creation”.

"I have a passion for this work, protecting the land” said spokesperson Caroline Recollet. “I watched Ray from a distance when he got this TEK Elders work going over a decade ago….I feel called to the work that they were doing… our connection with the land, what happens to Mother Earth happens to our bodies, and we are all very sick”. Sam Manitowabi acknowledged the relationship between his Treaty organization and the TEK Elders, and indicated RHW’s support for the TEK Elders’ campaign. “Put our Semaa down and ask for our good intentions… there is going to come a time when Mother Earth is going to fight back”. Elder Raymond Owl spoke in Anishinaabemowin and English, saying the time for meetings has come and gone, and action is required to protect the forest for future generations.


The destruction caused by glyphosate is not a future threat – it's happening RIGHT NOW. TEK Elder Ray Owl's story is a powerful reminder of what's at stake. 

TEK Elder Ray Owl speaks out against the devastating consequences of glyphosate: 'You're destroying mankind. Humans.'  This harmful chemical is linked to multiple health effects, including cancer.  It's time to listen to the voices of our Elders: demand an end to aerial spraying of glyphosate, and apply the precautionary principle when assessing all chemicals used in our biosphere.

TEK Elder Ray Owl points out the lasting effects of spraying glyphosate, and also the systemic effects to our health and the health of our ecosystems.

Tell your MPP you support ending the use of chemical herbicides on our forests